Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Late Summer, Early Fall.

Fall is finally here, it's my favorite time of year for produce. Greens start getting rich and sweet with cold temperatures, squashes of many varieties are appearing, and root vegetables galore coming soon. Here's some of the produce we've had recently.

All of this came from Gee Creek Farms.
Sweet Gypsy Peppers
The last of the Heirlooms

Old fashioned Green Kale
French Breakfast Radishes
Tree fruit from Kiyokawa Family Orchards
Bartlett Pears
I forget the name, they were giant and juicy Peaches.
Red Bartletts
Christina brought in a case of apples from her parent's trees. There were several unidentified varieties. They were delicious.
Winter Green Farm is embracing the fall.
Kabocha Squash
Nantes Carrots

A first for ChildRoots, Celery Root.

I'll be posting how to prepare the Celery Root soon. It was quite a success, not much in the way of leftovers that day. One friend even said it was better than potatoes.