Saturday, December 12, 2009

Produce of Late.

It's been a while since I've done a produce round up. Now that we're getting into the winter, produce is going to become a bit familiar. We just have to make it through to spring.

With the farms winding down for the season, I've had to rely more on a distributor. Soon I'll have everything set up with a new distributor which focuses on local(ish) seasonal produce, and they'll have all the information about the farms. These following veggies are all from California farms.

Brussel Sprouts
Galia Melons - a honey/cantaloupe hybrid
Ruby Garnet Yams
These are from Gee Creek Farm
Butterball Potatoes
German Giant Radishes - they were sent instead of the French Breakfast Radishes, which were wiped out in a frost.
And from Winter Green Farm.
Lacinato Kale
Acorn Squash
Purple Topped Turnips
Romanesco (recipe coming soon)